Can I Feed My Puppy Raw Meat Before He Has His Shots
For many new dog owners, the first thing you do when you bring a new furry family member into your home is to take them to the vet for a check-up. The first check-up with your vet allows you to be informed of any shots or vaccinations your dog may need. There's usually a long list of shot names you've probably never heard of but do you need all the vaccine shots for your dog to stay healthy?
Some veterinarians will even recommend annual vaccinations for your dog. Unfortunately, many don't know that some vaccines can lead to chronic illnesses from the result of over-vaccination.
Risks Of Vaccine Shots For Dogs
Vaccines are necessary and only effective for healthy animals given at the appropriate age and the appropriate vaccine schedule. Vaccines are made from weakened microbes which create an immune response to protect the body when injected into the body.
Typically, if a dog gets their proper vaccinations at the proper age they do not have to get revaccinated let alone annual shots. There is no evidence to support constant vaccination makes your dog more immune to the disease.
Some of the long-term effects of unnecessary vaccination are:
- Skin conditions, including rashes and chronic itching
- Allergies
- Reverse sneezing
- Anxiety
- Obsessive behavior
- Fears
- Aggression
- Seizures
Is There Such A Thing As Over-Vaccinating Your Dog?
Yes! Annual vaccines are dangerous and unnecessary! Experts like leading veterinary immunology researcher Ronald D Schultz PhD proved decades ago that most dogs will be protected for many years (and probably for life) by one round of core vaccines as puppies – usually when they're about 16 weeks old.
Over-vaccination can cause:
- Autoimmune diseases
- Cancer
- Cataracts
- Allergies
- Asthma
- Atopy
- Arthritis
- Anaphylaxis
- Diabetes
- Eczema
- and many lifelong, incurable conditions – as well as death.
How To Safely Vaccinate Your Dog
People who practice holistic remedies think the best way to boost health is to take the course of alternative medicine, such as natural treatment or prevention. This way, the potentially harmful effects of vaccines can be avoided altogether.
A natural approach that can be used is homeoprophylaxis which involves using homeopathic remedies or specific types of remedies called nosodes (Greek nosos = disease). Nosodes are homeopathic medicines made from the natural products of disease. This option is a natural, gentle, and non-toxic way to helps with your dog's immunity.
Can A Proper Diet Reduce The Need For Vaccines?
Excellent nutrition is key to good health that could potentially override any vaccine that claims to prevent disease. A raw food diet for dogs would be the ultimate preventative care to most diseases that develop from a processed diet.
After you give the proper vaccines to your dog at the appropriate age, followup with a species-appropriate raw diet. A BARF raw diet will boost their immune system naturally.
A raw food diet can also solve many other health issues your dog may have including joint, dental, and allergies! Combined with a healthy lifestyle and exercise, a change in a better diet can help override any health problems the same way a vaccine would potentially prevent.
On a raw diet, you'll notice you won't have to go to the Vet as often for small health issues which would potentially save you hundreds!
Many small issues can be fixed right at home with natural remedies. We have some common health conditions in dogs and certain breeds that can be solved with these tips here! Always do your own research and try at-home remedies before rushing your dog to a traditional vet for an evaluation.
Which Vaccines Does My Dog Need?
Your dog actually doesn't NEED any vaccinations except the one and done rabies shot that is legally required. No need to renew this annually or ever once your dog is given this vaccine.
The other shots are unnecessary, not useful, or required and often pushed by Vets for profit. But, for peace of mind, we gathered a list of the common vaccination names that your vet will recommend to give your dog and it's really your decision to give to your dog. Don't ever feel pressured to give your dog these vaccinations just because your vet tells you to. Always ask for the homeopathic version of the vaccine is available.
A rare but serious viral disease that dogs are still considered at risk from in many developed countries. Distemper affects all aspects of a dog's health eventually attacking the central nervous system causing spasm, seizures, and paralysis.
The nosode vaccine is generally thought to be the most effective and safe manner of prevention by qualified homeopathic vets. One dose given to a puppy after 12 weeks will protect them from this disease for their entire lifetime.
Kennel Cough
This common disease is thought to be a result of the overcrowding and stress, produced by boarding many dogs together in close proximity. Many dog daycares and boarding places require your dog to get this vaccination before admitting them into the facility. Nosodes can be effective in disease prevention, and when dogs do contract disease, the severity of symptoms can be reduced with their use.
The disease is only of real concern in puppies, as 90% of dogs over the age of 8 weeks will survive infection without complication. The parvo vaccine is only effective if given between 12-16 weeks of age. If given before this age, the maternal antibodies are likely to block the vaccine.
Parvovirus is actually a direct result of coming into contact with vaccinated cats. The nosode version is thought to be the most effective and safe manner of prevention in puppies.
Many times you go to the vet for a trusted opinion on how to keep your dog healthy. Unfortunately, many of these medical professionals have gone down the profit route and recommend unnecessary vaccinations and prescription kibble that are partnered with large corporations. Little do most people know you don't even have to do anything you're not comfortable with just because a Vet tells you to. It would be smart to do your research first and come to them with concerns but do not feel obligated to follow medical advice. If you and your vet constantly butt heads on certain issues you have the right to find a new healthcare provider. Maybe even look for a holistic vet near you to be given advice on your dogs' nutrition.
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